This morning the Pocket Linguist came over and made breakfast, but since it was a German pancake and I just told you about those, I didn't feel it necessary to take any pictures. (And not to lord it over you poor souls without pocket linguists of your own, but after breakfast, he proceeded to wash the dishes. I would like the record to note that I totally would have washed them had he waited a minute or two more, but please, like I'm going to object to someone else cleaning up.*) There is one more thing I would like to say on the subject of German pancakes, though, and it is this: powdered sugar is excellent, lemon is classic, and jam and fruit may very well be tasty, but if you or your pocket linguist happens to have, say, raw buckwheat honey just languishing on a shelf somewhere, there are worse things you could do to a German pancake than drizzle some honey over it-- in an attractive crisscross pattern, if you like, or even just in a glob on the side of your plate. Far, far worse. (Probably any decent honey would do, but something good and strong is especially delicious.)
*We'll ignore the fact that I have, in the past, been seen to do so. I know better now.
Last night was really more gustatorily interesting, but I'll save that for another time. I'll just leave you with one parting word to ponder: quinzertorte.
2 days ago
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