Wednesday, February 18, 2009

this doesn't look like a seminar paper to me

Rolags of mystery brown wool (not v. soft), mystery white wool (rather soft), and pink merino rescued from a former life as intestines (quite soft).

Not pictured: the impressive array of standard yarn weights achieved in each spindleful. It was teach-yourself-long-draw week chez detritus. Results have been, shall we say, mixed.

To do:
  • Procure necessary accoutrements for Big Damn Party
  • Unearth not!ghillies for same
  • Write grant proposal
  • Also seminar paper
  • Contemplate restraining the jubilant efflorescence of my stuff, which appears to be propagating itself à la slime mold (although hopefully with fewer detrimental effects to my respiration) and organizing itself into ever-more-complex piles on various horizontal surfaces

Sunday, February 1, 2009


So my internet just experienced a miraculous recovery after being dead for two! whole! days! and I have to say, those two days (from Friday afternoon to Sunday afternoon) did not make me feel free, relaxed, untethered, one with Nature, or anything else that people claim disconnecting from technology makes them feel. I was just grumpy and out of sorts, and now that the internet has returned to me, I'm just sitting here stroking it lovingly.